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Dr. W. charles lewis

senior pastor

W. Charles Lewis is the founder and Senior Pastor of Dothan Community Church in Dothan, Alabama. He is a summa cum laude graduate of Tuskegee University who faced the challenge of being accepted into medical school and called into the ministry at the same time. He responded to God's call to the ministry and received staff training with the Navigators at the University of Illinois at Champaign/Urbana, and holds both the Th.M and D.Min degrees from Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas, Texas.


Dr. Lewis has taught at the Baptist College of Florida in Graceville, Florida and is currently a professor at the Dothan extension of the Birmingham Theological Seminary of Birmingham, Alabama. He is a church planting coach and pastoral mentor, and before moving to Dothan, Alabama, he served churches in Dallas, Texas, and Birmingham, Alabama.


An advocate for racial reconciliation, Lewis co-founded PACE (Proclaiming America's Call for Equality) in 2015 which sponsors FREEDOM SPEAKS - a speech competition among high school students which showcases Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr's I Have A Dream speech and President Lincoln's Gettysburg Address - two renown speeches delivered during times of racial unrest.


Most recently, Dr. Lewis was used of God to gather the Church in Dothan across denominational and color lines for a prayer event (The Prayers of the Righteous) that resulted in record attendance at the Dothan Civic Center. He is scheduled to lead his third tour of The Holy Land in 2020. He and his wife Geraldine have five (5) children.




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